This moon is sacred to the Chigs because it is where life originated via panspermia and where Chigs still go to be born.
HistoryĪs the series presents it, known human contact with the Chigs begins when an unmanned probe, launched by the military-industrial corporation Aerotech, lands on a celestial body designated 'celestial body 2064K' (later given military designation 'Anvil'), the single moon orbiting the Chig homeworld. Throughout the series, the writers provide several small clues regarding the nature of the Chigs, their motivations, and their biology before devoting the last two episodes of the series to revealing the possibility that Chigs and humans are related species. The series provides little concrete evidence about the Chigs until the last two episodes, choosing to initially present the Chigs as a traditional science-fiction alien enemy out to destroy humanity.
A Chig's face is shown in the series finale